It has an empty content model because of its empty xs: sequence element. 它有一个空的内容模型,因为它的xs:sequence元素为空。
The XMLEXISTS is a Boolean function that takes an XPath expression as input and returns FALSE if the XPath expression returns an empty sequence and TRUE otherwise. XMLEXISTS是一个Boolean函数,它接受一个XPath表达式作为输入;如果这个XPath表达式返回空序列,它会返回FALSE,否则返回TRUE。
The right-hand side of the COPY clause must evaluate to a single node, meaning it cannot be an empty sequence or a sequence of more than one item. COPY子句的右边的运算结果必须是单一节点,也就是说,它不能是空的序列或包含多个节点的序列。
At run time, the XSLT processor notices that/ Things/ Thing [@ id eq$ ThingId] does not return the expected element but rather an empty sequence. 在运行时,XSLT处理器会注意到/Things/Thing[@ideq$ThingId]未能返回预期的元素,而是返回了一个空序列。
For each row in the table which doesn't match the predicate, a row containing an empty XML sequence is returned. 对于表中与谓词不匹配的每一行,返回一个包含空的XML序列的行。
However, without the square brackets the XQuery expression is a Boolean expression which always returns a Boolean value and never the empty sequence. 然而,如果不使用方括号,XQuery表达式就是一个总是返回Boolean值的Boolean表达式,而不会返回空序列。
The value produced by that XQuery is either the customer's name element if the predicate is true, or the empty sequence otherwise. 那个XQuery产生的值,当谓词为true时为客户的name元素,否则为空的序列。
To fix this, you must declare an XML element containing an empty sequence and add a part to the message with this element. 为了纠正这个错误,必须声明一个包含空序列的xml元素,并用这个元素将一个部分添加到消息中。
In this case the starting value is returned for an empty sequence, and the function is first applied to the starting value and the first sequence item, then to the result and the next item, and so on. 在这种情况下,如果序列为空,则返回该值,部位空的话,则最开始计算该值与第一个元素,然后他们的结果再和第二个数计算,等等。
Each end with nothing to say just periodically sends an empty data packet with its current sequence, acknowledgement and window numbers. 每个终端只需间歇地发送一个包含当前序列的空的数据包,确认信息和滑动窗口号就可以了。
If the type annotation denotes a complex type with empty content, then the typed value of the node is the empty sequence and its string value is the zero-length string. 如果类型标注表示一个内容为空的复杂类型,那么该节点的类型值是空序列,他的字符串值为长度为零的字符串。
Specifies that the expression can not be matched against an empty sequence. 指明表达式不能匹配空序列。
In this paper, a fast improved LBG algorithm is proposed for solving the empty voronoi problems commonly encountered in the LBG algorithm. The criteria for the termination of the algorithm is based on the convergence of entropy sequence. 针对其空胞腔问题提出一种改进的LBG算法,并以熵序列收敛作为新的算法停止判据。
The inputs to the neural networks are the occupancy empty ratio sequence and vehicle length, and the output is seven classified vehicle type. 神经网络的输入为车辆信号的占空比序列及车辆长度和速度等特征信息,输出为预定义的车辆类型。